~ Founded as Rolling Acres School in 2011, we grew into our current name in 2021.
~ Our curriculum is classical, liberal arts, great books, and Thomistic.
~ We are a completely online school with a time-tested format.
~ Our wonderful faculty and staff hail from across the United States and abroad.
~ Enrollment is open to 7th through 12th grades.
~ We are accredited with NCA, CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI as of June 2022.
~ Our 3 Patrons are Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Rose Venerini, and Our Lady of the Rosary.
~ The Average class size is 12 students.
~ Our Motto is "Gaudio sicut gladiis semper in altum".
~ Our crest is the Christ-crowned shield emblazoned with the ox and rose.
~ Our home office is in southern Mississippi.
~ Our trust is in the name of the Lord.