Welcome to the CatholicGigs.com Non-Profit Employment Resource Page. As a non-profit employer, you’ll discover valuable resources to help you find passionate individuals who share your commitment to making a positive impact guided by Catholic values. On the other hand, job-seekers can explore diverse opportunities to contribute their skills and compassion to causes that align with their faith.
Whether you’re a non-profit organization striving to create meaningful change or an individual eager to be part of transformative initiatives, the Non-Profit Employment Resource Page offers a space to connect and collaborate to create a better world rooted in faith and service. Join us in furthering the mission of compassion and social justice within the Catholic Church and beyond.
Non-Profit Industry Statistics
Catholic non-profit organizations play a significant role in providing social services, education, and healthcare to people around the world. They have a significant impact on the lives of their beneficiaries, as they are known for their compassionate care, their commitment to social justice, and their dedication to serving the poor and vulnerable. There are around 1.8 million non-profit organizations in the United States as of 2021*. One of the largest Catholic non-profit organizations in the US is Catholic Charities USA, and according to their 2022 annual report, they had 45,000 staff members and 215,000 volunteers, who together served more than 15 million people over the course of the year.** This is just one snapshot into the sheer volume of aid that Catholic non-profit organizations provide throughout the country and the world. These organizations provide food and housing, medical care, disaster relief, job training, counseling, and many other important services to millions of people every single day.
For those looking to get a job at a non-profit organization, it’s important to know where to find job openings. All the non-profit organizations we surveyed post job openings on their own organizational website, as well as social media – so finding the organizations you are interested in can be an important starting point. Our Catholic Gigs Directory is an excellent starting point for job seekers. Many non-profit employers (88.9%) rely on referrals from colleagues or friends, while only about half (55.6%) post job openings on other job search engines.
As non-profit organizations are financially structured differently than their for-profit counterparts, they rely heavily on fundraising and other means of covering their expenses and serving their target populations. Following this line of reasoning, more non-profit organizations (55.6%) are hiring for fundraising positions than in any other industry. The same number are hiring for entry-level positions in the next 12-24 months, while nearly half (44.5%) will be hiring for mid-level management positions, as well as administrative and clerical positions. This provides ample opportunity for job seekers with a wide range of talents and abilities to find the right position in a non-profit organization. Another way that these organizations are hiring differently than other industries is that more are seeking out new employees for digital marketing positions, as well as customer service positions. As non-profit organizations are focused on public benefit, it naturally follows that they need qualified employees to both solicit support from, and extend their services to, the different parts of the community around them.
As with many of the organizations we surveyed, the top concern for non-profit employers was to hire employees who are willing to support the Catholic identity of the organization. This was closely followed in order of importance by skill level, work ethic, and positive attitude. For those still in college or otherwise studying with the goal of working in the non-profit sector, many employers (66.7%) say they value job seekers who have taken courses in marketing and advertising, project management and organization, and data analysis and statistics. Many employers (77.8%) also look for future employees skilled in the Adobe Creative suite and various social media platforms, closely followed by (66.7%) the Microsoft Office suite, Google suite, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. The non-profit employers we surveyed said they had the most difficulty hiring more technical positions and those that require specific skills or experience such as graphic designers and software engineers.
Generally speaking, not all non-profit organizations require employees to have a college degree – only one-third (33.3%) said they do. More than three-quarters (77.8%) of non-profit employers said they would consider job applicants who had previously worked as a freelancer or had owned their own business, as long as they have the skills necessary for the job in question. The remainder of employers (22.2%) said they would actively seek out these candidates. This is an excellent outlook for anyone who is a self-driven, dynamic worker who wants flexibility while contributing to the greater good. On the whole, employers look for job candidates who are committed to the mission of the organization, and in many cases are willing to provide training and certifications to committed job-seekers after they are hired.
Overall, Catholic non-profit organizations provide a lifeline to people in need, regardless of their religion, race, nationality, or circumstances. These organizations play a vital role in our world by providing essential services to people in need. They are also leading the way in addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing the world, such as poverty, hunger, and disease. We are committed to connecting non-profit organizations with job seekers who want to give back to their communities.
We’re hear to help you find the best non-profit opportunity for you! Click on the logo to learn more about one of the leading organizations in the non-profit field. Or, visit our Job Board to browse all job openings by category and location.
Catholic Charities USA:

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