
The Bridge Connecting Catholic Universities to top Employers.

At Catholic Gigs, we’re passionate about forging meaningful bonds within the Catholic community. With the launch of CareerHub™, we’re deepening those connections by directly linking students and alumni from Catholic universities to Catholic employers.

The Career Center Process


Universities begin by setting up their Career Hub portal. During this phase, they input details about their institution and invite their current students and alumni to join the platform.


Employers submit a request to access the Career Hub. It’s up to the universities to vet and approve each employer, ensuring a trusted environment that upholds the values and interests of the students and alumni.


Once onboarded, employers have the freedom to post job opportunities, targeting them to specific schools for a precise fit. Additionally, they can actively browse, search, and filter through student and alumni resumes, pinpointing the ideal candidates for their roles.

Career Hub For Job Seekers (1)

For Students & Alumni

Get Discovered: Craft your digital resume and become discoverable to employers using advanced search and filtering tools.

Network with Employers: Explore our directory to discover and engage with your perfect employer match.

Job Alerts: Set up notifications and be the first to know when your preferred organizations post new openings. Customize alerts based on organization, location, or job type.

For University Career Centers

Enhance Your Offerings: Elevate the resources you provide by offering a wide array of job opportunities tailored for your students.

Connect With Employers: Decide which employers get the privilege to post jobs and engage with your students.

Unified Event Management: Embed your events calendar and scheduling tools, providing a one-stop hub for students to keep updated and reach out to you.

Career Hub For Career Centers (1)
Career Hub For Employers

For Employers

Targeted Talent Pool: Access a dedicated platform filled with students and recent graduates from Catholic universities and colleges, ensuring your postings reach an audience that aligns with your organization’s values.

Optimized Recruitment: Save time and resources by connecting directly with candidates who possess the unique blend of education and ethos you’re looking for.

Applicant Tracking System: Streamline your recruitment process with our integrated ATS. Request resumes, cover letters, custom written responses, and video submissions from candidates, making your hiring process efficient and comprehensive.

For Membership Organizations

Catholic membership organizations can create their own Career Hub, offering many benefits including:

Enhanced Member Value: Offer your members exclusive access to a dedicated career platform, adding another layer of value to their membership.

Community Building: Foster stronger ties within the Catholic community by facilitating meaningful employment connections between organizations and emerging talent.

Collaborative Opportunities: Partner with Catholic educational institutions and employers, creating a holistic ecosystem that benefits everyone.

Career Hub For Membership Orgs (2)

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