Frequently Asked Questions


General FAQs

What is Catholic Gigs?

Catholic Gigs is an online job board for Catholic organizations, including schools, parishes, diocese, ministries, nonprofits, and businesses.

Employer FAQs

How much does Catholic Gigs cost for organizations?

It is 100% free to create a profile for your organization and join the Catholic Gigs Directory, which allows you to upload your logo, photos, videos, and written content about your organization.

Job opportunities are purchased with credits. A single job opportunity costs one credit or $29 to post for 60 days. If you buy credits in bulk, you get a discount.

How can I increase the chances that job-seekers will see my job openings?

The short answer: post as much content about your organization on your company profile as possible. Images, videos, employee testimonials, links, and written content increase the organic reach and SEO of your company profile and all the jobs posted there. Catholic Gigs will also send this content out, with your permission, directly to our growing network of Catholic professionals via social media, email newsletters, and our affiliates.

Job Seeker / Freelancer FAQs

How much does Catholic Gigs cost for job-seekers?

It costs nothing for job seekers to create their accounts, upload resumes, and apply for jobs with one click.

Have more questions? Contact us today!

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