Director of Evangelization
@ St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish

Bachelor's Degree
Senior Level (5-10 years)
$65K/yr - $75K/yr DOE
JOB DESCRIPTION | Director of Evangelization | St. Ignatius of Loyola                                 Reports to: Pastor - Fr. Thomas Mannebach                               Status: 40 hours per week, including frequent evening hours    
  Initiate, coordinate, oversee, and actively take part in the Adult Evangelization team, the RCIA team, and ministries related to missionary discipleship.  
  1. Adult Evangelization and Faith Formation
  1. Organize and lead adult evangelization efforts
    • Research, develop, and implement evangelization initiatives.
    • Supervise and support evangelization efforts at IggyFest (parish festival).
    • Coordinate evangelization formation for parishioners.
  2. Organize and lead the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
    • Initiate outreach to invite non-Catholics to consider becoming Catholic
    • Individual meetings with potential catechumens/candidates
    • Gather and give information to sponsors
    • Establish schedule of catechetical presentations and Rites to be celebrated
    • Coordinate/lead facilitation of weekly RCIA meetings for relationship building, catechesis, and prayer
    • Lead RCIA Core Team to execute scheduling of catechists, communication to all groups of people involved in RCIA, social meal planning, liturgical coordination, and evaluation of RCIA program
    • Assist pastor in liturgical preparation and execution for all RCIA rites, including Easter Vigil
  3. Act as parish liaison for Adult Faith Formation (AFF) groups
  4. Supervise and support lay volunteer leadership of AFF groups: Bible Study groups, Mom’s Ministry, Men’s and Women’s Welcome (formerly CRHP), FATHERS group, Lighthouse Renewal Community, etc.
  5. Directly organize and lead adult faith formation opportunities: small group studies, Theology of the Body for parents, various catechetical series, Parish Mission, retreats, family/parent catechesis, and young adult ministry
  6. Initiate parish-wide small groups for study and faith sharing
  7. Research and order catechetical materials to be offered in church (Advent & Lenten companions, Christmas gift book, AFF kiosks, etc.)
  8. Order supplies for Adult Faith Formation groups such as books, materials, pamphlets, etc.
  9. Organize, plan, and lead Evangelization and Catechesis Commission
  10. Assess current programs for sustainability
  11. Research opportunities for parish growth/renewal in Adult Faith Formation
  12. Coordinate cooperative opportunities/ministry summits for help and support between parish groups
  13. Oversee budget and expenses for general Adult Faith Formation, RCIA and Young Adult Ministry
  14. Develop working relationships with neighboring parishes by attending Archdiocesan or meetings
  15. Act as liaison for hosting Archdiocesan events at St. Ignatius: marriage & family formation, infertility support event, young adult listening session, missions fundraising dinner, etc.
  16. Act as liaison to other Christian communities in our area
  • Must have a high degree of proficiency in:
      • Orthodox understanding and love of the Catholic faith
      • Daily prayer life and living relationship with Jesus
      • Comfort leading groups in vocal prayer
      • Zeal for bringing others to Christ and His Church
      • Willingness to creatively try new initiatives
      • Engaging in sensitive pastoral conversations
      • Vision setting, long term planning and organizational skills
      • Oral and written communication skills
      • Leading teams of people with a variety of backgrounds and contributions
  • Should have a love and appreciation for:
      • The Bible
      • The Catechism of the Catholic Church
      • Church encyclicals and documents
  • Must have skill as…
      • Current communications technologies
      • Computers and software such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  1. Master’s degree in theology preferred but not required.
  2. Experience in leading ministry teams and volunteers.
  3. Experience in teaching and presenting to a people in a variety of settings.
    Employees of St. Ignatius Catholic Church will have knowledge of the Catholic faith, a willingness to work for a Catholic, faith-based agency and adhere to the policies of St. Ignatius Catholic Church. Employees will not publicly oppose the teachings of the Catholic faith nor publicly advocate for any position in conflict with Catholic teaching, or the specific positions of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This requirement includes any public speech, demonstration or writing including the use of social media or other digital technologies.  

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