Missionary Guide
@ Creatio

No formal education required
Fundraised Salary
The Missionary Guide is a person entering a formation program designed to lead them closer to God through their own encounter with beauty, people, and themselves on trips. The Missionary Guide position at Creatio is responsible for leading and guiding pilgrimages in New Mexico, Spain, and backpacking trips in Colorado. Trips can range from 3 -14 days long, walking 5-20 miles every day, depending on the trip, while carry a 30 lb. A Missionary guide will receive outdoor and spiritual education to equip them to lead these trips, which includes giving talks to the group of participants. A missionary guide is fundraised salary position. Each missionary receives training and accompaniment while fundraising. The season begins in August with outdoor, spiritual, and fundraising training. They then enter the fundraising season ending in October and will begin prepping trips that will begin in March. While in this pre-trip season between November and March, the guides will have opportunities to be trained and gain experience in backpacking and spiritual conversation.

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