Missionary Internship
@ Catholic Sports

High School Diploma or GED
$5000 Scholarship

Sports Missionary Interns

○        Reading The God Ask by Steve Shadrack & completing the in-book Bible studies/reflections preferably before the official start of the internship. You will have until the end of the second week of the internship to complete these tasks.

○        Raising $2,000 to fund the mission of CATHOLIC SPORTS and to cover your room, boarding, and food that will be provided by your host family/household.

○        Setting up appointments with clients. In these meetings, you will give your testimony, explain the mission and vision of CATHOLIC SPORTS, and ask for a donation.

○        Completing MPD (Missionary Partnership Development) Training. This will include training for phone calls, giving a 3 minute testimony, setting up an appointment, and going through the appointment process with a potential donor.

○        Shadowing a CATHOLIC SPORTS missionary, and helping run and manage our various summer leagues and tournaments. After a handful of weeks of practice, you will be given the responsibility of running and managing a league and tournament on your own. This process will include marketing and promoting the event(s), creating the league/tournament schedule, documenting scores, emailing league members, attending post-game socials, and more.

○        Attending, aiding, and creating a social event. This will include promoting the social, helping with prep and set up, ensuring the event runs smoothly, and helping with clean up.

○        Attend a Bible study every week in which you will meet all of our volunteer leaders and experience their different studies. Upon completion of attending all of the studies, you will then coordinate with a leader of your choice and lead his/her study.

Link to apply

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