Music Director
@ Catholic Community of St. Odilia

Bachelor's Degree
Purpose: Create an environment for worship through music that will enable the Community of St. Odilia to express and share their gift of joyful faith, to nourish and strengthen their faith commitment, and give music ministers the confidence and opportunity to share their musical gifts and to develop a deep love and thorough understanding of liturgy and how music integrates with it. The Music Director will direct the parish choir and musical ensembles in a way that invites and encourages the active participation of the entire faith community in the liturgy. Music Leadership and Direction of Music Groups Coordinate and schedule liturgical music in the parish for weekend worship, communal reconciliation, funerals, weddings, and special events, either personally or by delegation.
  • Assist in the selection of music for weddings and funerals.
  • Provide guidance and support to music ensemble directors who prepare and lead music at the Spanish (1:00 PM) and Contemporary Mass (6:00 PM)
Lead liturgical music on Saturday evenings, Sunday mornings, at special parish events (specifically, the Parish Mission, First Communion, Parish Festival, Holy Week, Advent) and at liturgies of reconciliation.
  • Direct rehearsals that may be required for these liturgies.
  • Communicate with musical group leaders, keeping them informed of liturgical plans.
Provide support and direction for parish handbell choir. Establish and carry out plans/programs of in-service in liturgical music. Collaborate with the various musical groups to recruit and train volunteer music ministers (vocal and instrumental) in order to develop the parish music ministry. Develop, implement, and evaluate a plan for all music groups and ensure that all music licenses and music subscriptions are current. Lead the choir and conduct weekly rehearsals, providing liturgical formation, music education, and preparation for specific liturgies so that all music is well rehearsed and prepared prior to each liturgy. Lead liturgical music for weekly school Mass and annual school graduation Mass.
  • Direct weekly rehearsals for school liturgies in the form of liturgical music class.
  • Develop schedule and conduct rehearsals for the school liturgical choir and instrumentalists.
Music Development Explore music resources to find music for all areas including contemporary, traditional and legacy St. Odilia music to use in parish liturgies.  Provide individuals and groups with new music, working with musicians during rehearsals to help them learn and incorporate the music. Assess and analyze strengths and areas for development and improvement of liturgical music through on-going evaluation and feedback. Optional:  The Music Director may write and/or arrange their own music consistent with Catholic teachings and approved by the Pastor. Worship Team Participate as an active member of the worship team and attend Worship Team meetings to plan for and evaluate parish liturgies. Maintain necessary files, records, and inventories for liturgical music.

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