Epiphany Parish was established in January 2013, and formed into one Catholic community from the union of two parishes; Holy Family and St. Joseph. It is one of the 166 parishes in the Archdiocese of Dubuque and is located in North Central Iowa in the heart of Mason City. Our mission..."Forming disciples to love and serve God and others joyfully." Our sacred purpose at Epiphany Parish is to create a thriving Catholic Community of disciples where the
spirit of Jesus is at work so that each person can more fully live the gift of faith.
Epiphany Parish is both old and new. Old - based on the foundation of over 160 years as a Catholic presence in Mason City. New - existing as a parish for ten years after merging two existing parishes. Epiphany Parish consists of St. Joseph and Holy Family churches, serving as a Christ-centered Catholic community with 1,680 households in the parish.
Sunday Mass is the heart and summit of our parish life. We offer four weekend Masses at
Epiphany Parish and daily Mass, Monday- Friday. For those who are homebound or not able to attend Mass in person, Mass is live-streamed five times each week, with Masses available for viewing anytime on YouTube. Eucharistic Adoration is offered twice a month, and churches are open daily for individual prayer. In 2022 we celebrated 40 baptisms, 26 first communions, confirmed 29 youths, and through our RCIA program, welcomed 10 new parishioners to the Catholic faith.
At Epiphany Parish, we offer many ministry opportunities for parishioners to become partners in mission. Faith formation opportunities for all ages are offered through Children's Liturgy of the Word, Religious Education, First Sacraments, Confirmation, Middle School & High School Youth Ministry, and small group Bible and book studies. Epiphany Parish is currently offering Open Our Hearts, reflecting on different aspects of spiritual life.
Community outreach is essential to who we are and what we are called to do by serving the needs of those in our community and beyond. We offer many opportunities to serve: Baby Pantry, Blessing Box, Community Kitchen, Drug Treatment Court, Jail & Prison Ministry, Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, Prayer Shawl/Rosary Ministry, Thanksgiving Food Certificates, and St. Lawrence Home of Hope (Zambia, Africa).