Teaching in a Catholic Institution is not the same as having a job in business or industry. An educator in a Catholic school-whether Catholic or not-has a primary contractual duty to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church and the mission of the school. This is a serious and sacred trust entered into by the educator with parents, administration, students, the Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and the Roman Catholic Church. As educators in a Catholic institution, teachers employed by Mount Carmel Academy are considered agents of the Church and as such must not teach or behave in a manner inconsistent with the Gospel message of the Church or its teachings.
Educators are role models for young people. This is especially true of educators in a Catholic school. What one does both inside and outside the classroom matters; an example is a more powerful teacher than words. Educators employed by Mount Carmel Academy are required to become familiar with the specifications of their contract, and to live and speak in ways consistent with church teachings.
As Christian educators, we provide an educational environment in which students may develop into authentic Christians according to their God-given gifts. To achieve this end, we help students to form concrete judgments, to weigh social and religious values, to examine their cultural heritage, and to develop a spirituality based on an openness to life and to a deeper confidence in God's loving care.
Using methods that are flexible, demanding, compassionate, and Christ-like, we strive to help students meet their own needs both for the present and the future. We believe the essence of Christian education is the education of the whole person, intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Jesus tells us, “Whatever you do unto the least of my brethren, you do unto Me.” (Catholic Youth Bible, Matthew 25:40)
The challenge of a Catholic school is great. That challenge is redemptive teaching, which means becoming inspirational guides on life's journey and instructors in academic excellence. Teachers must not only instruct students but endeavor to inspire them.
The atmosphere we strive to create is a non-threatening one in which two-way communication is encouraged to prevent alienation among students, teachers, staff, and administration and, more positively, to encourage development of the faith community.
Teachers who strive for faith community are instructional leaders, prepared professionals who develop within the students the necessary life learning tools of communication, problem solving, decision making, innovation, collaboration, and creativity as a preparation for the future.