Oxrose Academy

Oxrose Academy is an accredited, independent online school, working within the Catholic intellectual tradition to provide rigorous academics, integrated across subjects, rich in history, and steeped in Catholic thought - especially the philosophy and theology of Thomas Aquinas.



~ Founded as Rolling Acres School in 2011, we grew into our current name in 2021.
~ Our curriculum is classical, liberal arts, great books, and Thomistic.
~ We are a completely online school with a time-tested format.
~ Our wonderful faculty and staff hail from across the United States and abroad.
~ Enrollment is open to 7th through 12th grades.
~ We are accredited with NCA, CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI as of June 2022.
~ Our 3 Patrons are Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Rose Venerini, and Our Lady of the Rosary.
~ The Average class size is 12 students.
~ Our Motto is "Gaudio sicut gladiis semper in altum".
~ Our crest is the Christ-crowned shield emblazoned with the ox and rose.
~ Our home office is in southern Mississippi.
~ Our trust is in the name of the Lord.

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