The Summit Academy

The Summit Academy is an independent liberal arts school rooted in the Catholic Tradition


Fredericksburg, VIRGINIA
October 2, 2024
The Summit Academy
Fredericksburg, Virginia
May 17, 2024
The Summit Academy
Fredericksburg, Virginia
May 2, 2024


We are an independent, classical, college preparatory high school for young men and women. Rooted in the Catholic Tradition, we offer a unique opportunity to develop the mind and body in a profound education experience that engages the whole person.
The Summit is an Education Toward Freedom

We are committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and this is in no way extraneous to the question of academic excellence. The questions of education ultimately come down to human questions: Who are we, and what is our place in the world? What are we doing, and why are we doing it?

Man cannot truly know himself or the world in which he lives without seeking to know his origin, namely the One in whose image man is made.
Christ cannot rightly be held up as the center of students’ lives (academic or otherwise) if He is not simultaneously seen as the center of reason, history, and existence and if He is not understood as satisfying the longings implanted in mankind.

An education that teaches students to reason will be faithful to Christ and His Church while equipping them to succeed.
Our mission is to ground students in education that will help them realize who they are called to be in Christ.
What they are called to be is nothing short of the very Glory of God.

Mission Statement

The Summit exists to partner with parents by assisting with their vocational calling to form their sons and daughters in Christian virtue so that they become mature, responsible young adults who are equipped to engage the world.
Our educational task is to produce free, happy men and women. This means that students should be drawn towards a full awareness of reality. In all things, we seek to cultivate an awareness and appreciation for what is true, good, and beautiful. A Liberal education rooted in the Catholic faith is best equipped to accomplish this work.

Even more succinctly put, we exist to do the following:
1.) Teach the Catholic Faith
2.) Provide excellent academics
3.) Equip young men and women for their mission in life to live out a fruitful vocation

While these tasks are listed in order of priority, they will operate in cooperation and never in competition. To do one of them well means that we will do all of them well. To compromise in one of these tasks is to compromise all of them.

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