Catholic Diocese of Tucson

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson serves an estimated 300,000 Roman Catholics in Southern Arizona in the fifth largest geographic diocese in the continental United States. As a mission diocese, more than 200 priests and countless lay ministers serve 78 parishes, dozens of missions, several service organizations, and 23 Catholic schools. We trace the presence … Read more

Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School

We are a Catholic liberal arts school PreK-8th grade in WA state. I am a principal seeking classically trained teachers -just perhaps two for the upcoming year.

Catholic Pro-Life Community of Dallas

The Catholic Pro-Life Community, the Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas commissioned in 1993, is devoted to ending abortion and restoring respect and legal protection for every human life. The CPLC carries out this mission through life-saving ministries serving the public with supportive services for mothers and their children, education and advocacy on … Read more

Our Lady of Hope Catholic School

Our Lady of Hope Catholic School is a K-8 elementary school located on a beautiful campus in Sterling, Virginia. We strive to educate our students for eternity and have high academic standards. We are a blue ribbon school with dedicated teachers and staff.

St. Benedict Catholic Church, Terre Haute

Mission Statement St. Benedict Catholic Parish embraces a Franciscan spirituality and strives to welcome people of all backgrounds to share in the life of the Church through the Word, Sacraments, Service, and Outreach. We work to provide a vibrant faith-filled community for generations to come. Vision Statement When St. Benedict Parish is fulfilling its mission, … Read more

Saint Theresa Catholic School

St. Theresa Catholic School, "where Christ is the ever-present lead teacher", is a 450 student K-8 school with an energetic and committed staff, dedicated PTO, and a collaborative leadership model. The school was established in 1994 by Monsignor James W. McMurtrie. The first graduation took place in June 1997. Today, our pastor is Father James … Read more

Chastity Project

Jason and Crystalina Evert started the Chastity Project to help young people live the virtue of chastity and build authentic love. Our ministry consists of speaking, online content, and books.

St Patrick Catholic Church

Our mission is to Transform lives in Christ by making church matter, building disciples, and seeking and saving the lost.